Banco Santander

Banco Santander branch number 5331 at Plaza Jose Antonio 1, San Vicente de la Barquera

  1. Available services
  2. Contact information
  3. Banco Santander phone number in San Vicente de la Barquera
  4. Banco Santander Opening hours in San Vicente de la Barquera
  5. How to get there
  6. Other nearby branches

Available services

  • ATM for cash withdrawal
  • Personalised customer service
  • Advice on financial products and savings accounts
  • Mortgage and loan services

Contact information

Banco Santander Plaza Jose Antonio 1

4 points based on 6 votes

Plaza Jose Antonio 1, San Vicente de la Barquera (39540 Cantabria)


Phone number

942710000 / 942710002

Opening hours

Lunes a Sábado de 8:00 a 14:00 y los Jueves de 8:00 a 20:00

How to get there?

How to get there

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